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We Believe...

We believe in the equality and value of all of God's children. We welcome everyone, no matter who you are, how you see yourself, or how you describe yourself, in a spirit of holy acceptance and joy.

Are you progressive? You're welcome.
Are you conservative? You're welcome.
Are you gay? You're welcome.
Are you straight? You're welcome.
Are you trans? You're welcome.
Are you cis? You're welcome.
Do you have great faith? You're welcome.
Do you have great doubt? You're welcome.

No ifs, ands, or buts about it, we welcome you just as you are. You don't need to change, hide, or be quiet with your thoughts to be a welcome and active part of the St. John's community, whether that's in church leadership or just occasional attendance!

We believe in the Holy Trinity that has been described in Christian history for centuries. For many people this Trinity is described as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We recognize and support this view, but we also are open to other interpretations as well. We believe God, in all of God's fullness, is far beyond human constructions of gender, so we think it's important to relate to God in the way that you are most comfortable. God is a God of relation, not coercion.

We believe that salvation and life everlasting are found within the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth. Far from just an eternal "get out of jail" card, we believe that the teachings of Jesus call us to prepare for God's eternal kingdom, while building God's holy kin-dom within this current world. We strive to set our minds on seeing things "on earth as it is in heaven" by radically loving all of our neighbors -especially those who are on the margins of society or are perhaps hard to love- in ways that are both spiritual and practical.


We believe that God has spoke, is speaking, and will always speak to people through God's Holy Spirit. Sometimes this Holy Spirit whispers to us through the writings of ancient and sacred texts, like the Bible. Other times, this voice calls to us in times of prayer and contemplation. In other cases, the words we share with one another can often be the words that God is trying to reach us with. We see all these manners -and many others- as sacred and engage them appropriately.

In all of these things, we strive to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength, so that we might know God's love for us and in turn love our neighbors as ourselves.